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Turbulence & discomfort.  --- That midflight feeling when the plane starts to shake. It wakes me out of a light, enjoyable nap. Turbulence is bumpy. No one likes it, except for maybe a few thrill seekers. It makes you uncomfortable and anxious. You...

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Stop being interesting.

Stop being interesting. On my subway ride to work this morning, I was editing a podcast episode and was reminded of a quote.  "Stop being interesting. Start being interested."  There's a certain level of ego that's fulfilled when someone thinks your...

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Finding the Magic at Christmas & All Year Long

In 1995, when I was 8 years old, I asked my mom if Santa was real. I remember this moment so vividly.  At least I think I do. I was sitting on her floor doing my school reading or reading my lines for the upcoming school Christmas play and she was ironing (probably my...

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